Small Simplicity

Understanding Intelligence from Computational Perspective

Jan 10, 2020

Let's blog with Pelican


  1. make html: generates output html files from files in content folder using development config file

    • make regenerate: do make html with "listening" to new changes
    • vs. make publish: similar to make html except it uses settings in
  2. make serve: (re)starts a http server in the output folder. Default port is 8000

  3. Go to localhost:<PORT> to see the output website
  4. ghp-import -b <local-gh-branch> <outputdir>: imports content in to the local branch local-gh-branch


Key points:

  • Do every work in dev branch.
  • Do not touch blog-build or master.
  • blog-build will be indirectly modified by ghp-import (or make publish-to-github)
  • and master is the branch that Github will access to show my website.
  • So, manage the source (and outputs) only in dev branch.

Local dev

  1. Activate the right conda env with pelican library
conda activate my-blog 

cd ~/Workspace/Blog
  1. Make sure you are on dev branch git checkout dev

  2. (this step is for github syncing) Add new files under content git add

  3. Generate the content with pelican make html # or, make regenerate

  4. Start a local server make server

  5. Open a browser and go to localhost:8000 Or whatever the port number is, set in Makefile (under the variable name of PORT)

Global dev

  1. Use make publish instead of make html
  2. Update the blog-build branch with contents in output folder
  3. Push the blog-build branch's content to origin/master

These three steps can be done in one line:

make publish-to-github

Version control the source

Important: Write new contents only on the dev branch

git add <files> # make sure not to push the output folder

git cm "<commit message>"

git push origin dev #origin/dev is the remote branch that keeps track of blog sources